Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Chicken with Port Wine Sauce

Two things made me happy this week:
1) Finding one of the best quick chicken recipe from Simply Recipes


2) Being able to score some sold out, much coveted chevroned Missoni items at Tar-zhay.  Yipee!
FYI, I did not even know what Missoni is until yesterday. Ha!

Having a stash of Port wine is also a plus... drinking it with some chocolate is one way to enjoy the finer things in life.

Now for the recipe...

Chicken with Port Wine Sauce
1.5 pounds boneless chicken thighs
6 whole cloves garlic, peeled and boiled for 5 minutes
2 tablespoons butter
8-10oz cremini mushrooms (cut in half)
3 tablespoons finely chopped shallots
1/2 cup Port wine
2 cups cherry tomatoes, cut in half
Salt and pepper to taste


1 Sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper.

2. Heat butter in a heavy skillet (I used a cast iron skillet) and add chicken pieces. Cook over medium high heat until lightly browned, about 1 minute on each side.

3.  Add mushrooms and cook, turning chicken occasionally, about 2 minutes.

4. Add shallots and the garlic cloves. Add tomatoes, Port wine and salt and pepper to taste. Cover and cook 15 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through. Transfer chicken and tomatoes to a warm platter.

5. Increase heat and cook sauce down about a minute or two. Pour sauce onto chicken.

Serve over quinoa or pasta.

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